“… a place where you can discover who you are and what makes you you!”
“… belonging to a global community of likeminded young people that support and encourage you to be your best self. ”
“...a step-by-step process to guide you through the process of turning an idea into reality and launching it with confidence.”
Think like an entrepreneur
Create and realize ideas
Kebloom is a platform that guides young people through the step by step process of having an idea, making it the best it can be, and launching it into the world as a business, non-profit, service opportunity, or anything you can dream up.
Stay connected
Collaborate with likeminded people
The Kebloom community provides young entrepreneurs a forum to connect with other like-minded young people and mentors. Through connections you receive the support that is necessary to be successful.
Entrepreneurs often find themselves out on their own, striking new ground all alone. Kebloom is all about collaboration and mentorship, so you always have friends and enthusiastic support in a safe environment.
Be rewarded
Making it fun!
Through a young entrepreneur’s journey you are rewarded with badges and points to keep you motivated. Every time you complete a milestone or task you will see your progress through the dashboard. We believe that positive reinforcement will inspire you to keep going.
Ready to start your journey?
Solve a problem
All good ideas are a solution to some problem. Kebloom helps young people to survey and understand their interests and strengths so that they can best use them to develop their problem-solving idea.
Express your creativity
Expressions of creativity vary from painting to poetry to song-writing. Kebloom is a platform that empowers young people to express their creativity in another way through starting a business or other project. Now ideas have a place to grow!
Execute like an entrepreneur
An entrepreneur is someone who launches a project to make a difference in the world. Kebloom guides young people to think with initiative, to take healthy risks, to believe they have value to offer, and to aim all of that at making their idea a success.