What will the future of work look like?
What will the future of work look like?
The future of our children is not one that we could not have predicted 50 years ago. Is this due to longer work breaks, higher pay and shorter hours? This may indeed be the case. These allowances, however, must have come from somewhere and that somewhere is undeniable – the increased prevalence and use of technology.
Could it have been known how influencing technology would be on today’s society? Our children while once content with either being a clerk or milkman are now exposed to numerous opportunities to work as what they’ve always dreamt of. The exposure to more digital activity than any generation passed means the online world is at our sons and daughter fingertips – having an immeasurable impact on future work lives and lifestyles.
Kebloom is a platform that makes the most of this changing face of employment, allowing young people to find their passions in what they love to do best! Whether that be selling baked goods or teaching other kids to play the guitar, Kebloom is a platform that speaks to the current age, giving your child a running start to their future and developing their own financial literacy skills in the process.
Register today to enlighten their tomorrow!