Cyber safety? We’re on it.
The world out there whilst becoming more and more innovative of a playground for our kids to explore is still one, regrettably, of danger and hazards.
For instance, young people are become savvier at using technologies at a younger age – but at what cost? It’s hard to deny that the younger our kids start browsing, the more exposed and vulnerable they are capable of being.
These online dangers cover a variety of platforms including trading websites such as eBay and Gumtree, which although serving an innocent purpose, can leave kids exposed to unfair trades and a lack of monitoring by older, more mature parties.
Kebloom is the answer to this problem. As an online community where kids can sell and buy each other’s products, build up a network of likeminded kids and build up fundamental financial literacy skills in the process – the online world for kids has never been safer.
Parents will have the end all say in their kid’s decisions on the app – so no accidental purchases can be made or messages sent. This, as well as appropriate censoring (ensuring the community is kept kid friendly), will create a place where parents can feel safe and at ease knowing their kids information is kept private.
Ensure your kids safety while they learn and have fun along the way.
Be sure to register with Kebloom today!