Meltdown no more!


Meltdown no more!

Wish you could navigate the toy aisle without your kid having a melt down over how important and necessary that new truck or doll is to their toy collection?

We do too, and Kebloom is here to help.  

Oftentimes our kids forget and don’t fully comprehend the value of money. Whether it is made or if it appears out of thin air (as if by magic) is never fully explained at a young age. This ignorance can then lead to behaviour displaying a heightened sense of entitlement spiralling onwards from kid years into the teenage. Surely verging on nightmarish in the eyes of a parent!

Yet, it is not too late, so do not despair! Kebloom is here to reverse this, and to turn this sense of entitlement into one of passion and ambition.

As an online community we base ourselves on helping your kids start up their own business and to begin to come to terms with many processes that they previously (at school or elsewhere) would not have previously touched on. Primarily, fundamental financial literacy skills will be developed – maturing your kid’s understanding of where money comes from and how to responsibly utilise it!

With plenty of help along the way from our bot Marvin the Master, your kid will be far from alone on their journey and you might just find them begging for less toys along the way – as they start towards their (or your own!) goal of personal financial independence.

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