Be fearless!
Be fearless!
Why do we as young people have such incredible, wild ideas, dreams and ambitions? Fearlessness.
Fearlessness being a trait that many adults lack.
So, what can young people do with this naturally occurring trait, giving them the edge of their adult counterparts?
Create! More specifically, create and invent, coming up with new and innovative business ideas that can then be put into action.
We at Kebloom wish to develop this fearlessness and reinvent it as a community space in which kids pursue their passions and ambitions, and do so for personal benefit, as well as for that of greater society.
How can this be achieved? Well, Kebloom’s step-by-step challenges are set out to give kids the chance to test themselves and their capabilities, and to really think about what it is that excites and drives them.
This then gives young people a better idea of what an ideal future could look like to them, inspiring them and nurturing their fearlessness into something that is still alive and kicking come adulthood.
Why not foster the already natural instincts young people have and turn it into something wonderful!
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