Interview with Arianna Fox
Arianna Fox
Founder at 9 years old
Delaware, USA
Arianna Fox found her passions early on and pursued them in her pursuit of entrepreneurial goals. In building her business, Big Ideas Kid Coaching, she further delved into these passions, inspiring kids to work hard to make their dreams a reality. Nowadays, Arianna continues to turn her ideas into great projects, such as her recent novel ‘False Awakening.’ In acquiring numerous skills and with the huge support of her network and parents, Arianna continues to kick entrepreneurial goal after entrepreneurial goal!
Inspired by the prowess of this young and motivated entrepreneur, Kebloom contacted Arianna to ask about her projects and brand:
1) How would you best describe your brand?
My brand, Big Ideas Kid Coaching, is a business for inspiring people on a professional level through inspirational speaking, writing and youth mentoring.
“When you work hard, you succeed and you reap the rewards. Success doesn’t come by accident; it’s the direct result of hard work.”
2) What passions inspired your business idea?
The passions that inspired my business idea were definitely the passion to inspire others and my lifelong passion to write. I’ve had those passions from a very young age, and my parents were the ones to tell me that wasn’t too young to achieve those dreams.
3) What problem were you solving in the creation of Big Ideas Kid Coaching?
There are so many kids these days that are “inspired” by celebrities who don’t make the best role models. Kids, rather, need a young person like themselves as a role model that is succeeding and inspiring others. If I can succeed, they can too!
“Seeing other kidpreneurs succeeding is concrete proof that I can succeed too!”
4) Who supported you in creating/building your business?
My parents. Absolutely. They’re amazing, supportive, loving, caring and so incredibly helpful. They help manage my social media, help me with my scripts and presentation and delivery. They totally ROCK!
5) What advice would you give to aspiring young entrepreneurs?
It is said often and is somewhat of a cliché, but it’s still true nonetheless – work hard! When you work hard, you succeed and you reap the rewards. Success doesn’t come by accident; it’s the direct result of hard work.
6) To what extent would a platform like Kebloom have helped you achieve your dreams?
Using Kebloom would have inspired me to succeed and achieve my goals. Seeing other kidpreneurs succeeding is concrete proof that I can succeed too!
7) What has been the best part about starting up a business?
Being able to motivate others: to see the result of my speeches through inspired kids. That makes everything worth it.
8) What skills did you bring to your brand and feel you have developed?
I brought the skills of writing and speaking. I am rarely nervous on stage and my parents say I’m good at writing. They are my talents as well as my passions, but they’ve definitely developed and improved over time - particularly writing.
About the Author:
Ellie McRae is the blogger, interviewer and content creator for Kebloom! When she’s not writing kick-ass articles, you’ll find her studying marketing and drinking copious amounts of coffee. Find out more about Ellie here.