Interview with Hannah Grace
Hannah Grace - Founder at 9 years old
Massachusetts, USA
Inspired by her own creativity and passion for invention, Hannah Grace, at only 9 years old founded her own bath bomb company, Beyoutiful. After pitching her idea and being stocked in the stores in her area, she continued working at her business idea and staying grounded with a positive purpose. Nowadays, Hannah continues to expand her range and to make the most of her creativity, whilst giving back to the world around her!
Excited by the positive impact this young entrepreneur was making, Kebloom reached out to Hannah Grace about her brand:
1) How would you best describe Beyoutiful?
To me, Beyoutiful means being your true self. So often the beauty industry says you have to look like this or like that in order to be beautiful. But I believe all you have to do is be you. I've had diabetes all my life and I know I am beautiful just the way I am. If you are authentically you, the real beauty will always come out!
“ If I had an idea but was unsure how to turn that idea into a product and business, Kebloom would be a great support.”
2) What passions inspired your business idea?
I have always loved DIY and creating beauty products with my own personal flare. One day I was planning to buy bath bombs from a store when my dad challenged me to make them and sell them myself. So, I decided on the name Beyoutiful and brainstormed original ideas for my bath bombs with unique scents, colors and names. I didn't want my logo or name to look or sound like anybody else’s and I wanted to inspire other kids to start a business, helping them believe in themselves and in what they're doing.
3) What problem were you solving in the creation of Beyoutiful?
I’m not sure if I was solving a problem or not. But, I was one of the first people to sell handmade beauty products in salons and spas within my area.
“Never give up on your dream of having your business. If you don't believe in it, nobody else will.”
4) Who supported you in creating/building your business?
My dad, family and friends have always really supported me. When my business began getting busy in 2018 they helped me keep up with the orders that were piling up. One of my dad's friends helped me build a website and one of my uncles funded the first year of web hosting so my online store could go live.
5) What advice would you give to aspiring young entrepreneurs?
I would say to never give up on your dream of having your business. If you don't believe in it, nobody else will. Find people who also believe in you and let them help you out. You also can't be afraid to speak up for yourself. My dad always told me that he wouldn’t speak up for my product, so I had to take on that responsibility. The first time I went to a store to ask them to sell my product I was so nervous. But when I finally talked to them it gave me the confidence to know I could do it.
6) To what extent would a platform like Kebloom have helped you achieve your dreams?
I have a really great support network that helps me through the process of starting and running a business, but if I didn't I think Kebloom would help a lot! For instance, if I had an idea but was unsure how to turn that idea into a product and business, Kebloom would be a great support.
7) What has been the best part about starting up a business?
The best part about running my own business has been the opportunity to help others. I donate 20% of sales to JDRF for diabetes research and I have donated money towards building clean water wells in India. Making money is really fun but it's even better to use it for good things like helping people. The other good parts are being featured in magazines, on TV and web videos.
8) What skills did you bring to your brand and feel you have developed?
I think my creativity and my passion is what I bring to Beyoutiful. I love coming up with new ideas and new products to sell and make videos about. I love experimenting in my kitchen (even though my mom sometimes gets mad haha). My passion is what keeps me going. Sometimes it's hard to run a business, but I'm determined to keep going and to be successful. When I want to do something I don't stop until I've accomplished it, and when I want something a certain way it has to be that way!
About the Author:
Ellie McRae is the blogger, interviewer and content creator for Kebloom! When she’s not writing kick-ass articles, you’ll find her studying marketing and drinking copious amounts of coffee. Find out more about Ellie here.
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