Interview with Deegan & Sam
Pretty Rooster
Deegan & Sam -Founders at 12 years old
Adelaide, Australia
Deegan and Sam, aged 12, were once just two good school friends, now they are business partners in the creation of t-shirt business, Pretty Rooster. With their differing skills, with Deegan as the brain behind the designs and Sam as the business mogul, Pretty Rooster has grown as a brand and the boys have received recognition for their entrepreneurial pursuits. Deegan and Sam’s cool, original designs are a sure sign of the boys creativity and imagination, giving them the edge and helping them sell t-shirts in Australia and even overseas. We’re convinced there are bright things in store for these two young entrepreneurs!
Inspired by Pretty Rooster’s creativity we sat the boys down to ask them about future and current plans for their business model.
1) How would you best describe Pretty Rooster?
Pretty Rooster sells cool and creative t-shirts, hats and pop sockets with original designs on them.
“If you have an idea and you really want to start a business, just go for it!”
2) What inspired you to become an entrepreneur?
Deegan and I are best mates from school. He has always been really good at drawing so together we decided it would be cool to put his drawings on t-shirts. It seemed like a fun way to make some extra pocket money.
3) Who supported you in creating/building your business?
Our parents have been very supportive. Both of our Mums have helped us with the organising and teaching us how to run a business and fold t-shirts. Also our friends have all thought it was really cool and helped spread the word.
"Take in advice whenever you can.”
4) What advice would you give to aspiring young entrepreneurs?
Don’t put it off. If you have an idea and you really want to start a business just go for it. You have to be willing to put in the time and effort and also take in advice whenever you can. Sometimes this is hard but learning from others people has really helped us.
5) To what extent would a platform like Kebloom have helped you achieve your dreams?
Kebloom looks like a fun way to learn and take on advice from other people.
6) What has been the best part about starting up a business?
It has been really rewarding and we feel really proud if we sell a product. It has been crazy to see our mates wearing our t-shirt designs. We have even sold a few overseas which was super cool. Being featured in the Qantas magazine and on BTN was also an amazing experience.
7) What skills have you developed since being an entrepreneur?
We have both learnt a lot about building a business. Knowing how to advertise our clothing and also t-shirt folding skills which our mums make us practice at home with the washing.
About the Author:
Ellie McRae is the blogger, interviewer and content creator for Kebloom! When she’s not writing kick-ass articles, you’ll find her studying marketing and drinking copious amounts of coffee. Find out more about Ellie here.