Interview with Elisabeth Anisimow
Elisabeth Anisimow
Artist - Founder at 9 years old
California, USA
Elisabeth Anisimow, an 11-year-old artistic prodigy has jumped from strength to strength in her creative pursuits. From what was once simply a hobby has now become a flourishing career, moving between projects to now creating her notable ‘living-art’ pieces. Elisabeth’s inspiration and imagination is constantly evolving, with her pieces gaining recognition worldwide and being sought after by museums and private-collections. Elisabeth is definitely a name to watch in the art world and we’re certainly excited to see what’s next for this driven prodigy and entrepreneur.
Impressed by Elisabeth’s ambitious nature, we spoke to her to find out more about her inspiration to create.
1) How would you best describe what you do?
I am a visual performance artist and I create “living painting shows."
“ Follow your heart and your dreams.”
2) What inspired your business idea?
I was always fascinated by art. For me art has no limit and one can be as creative as one wants to. Inspiration can be found everywhere. For instance, a few years ago I visited Pageant of Masters Arts Festival in Laguna Beach, California and I was impressed by the ‘living paintings’ and so decided to create my own.
3) Who supported you in creating/building your business?
My parents are very supportive. They sacrificed their garage and turned it into my little art studio and were (at the start) covering all the expenses like paints and brushes etc. My dad also built me my first stage!
“Working hard and believing will always bring about success.”
4) What advice would you give to aspiring young entrepreneurs?
Just follow your heart and your dreams. Don’t let anyone crush your dreams. There are always will be people who are jealous and even mean, but don’t let them discourage you. Working hard and believing will always bring about success.
5) To what extent would a platform like Kebloom have helped you achieve your dreams?
Kebloom is a great tool. It would have helped me achieve my dreams, develop my potential business skills and get valuable advice and support from other inspiring kid entrepreneurs!
6) What has been the best part about starting up a business?
When I started I never thought about this as a business. I started it as a hobby but eventually it turned into a passion and it grows bigger and bigger every day. It does mean a lot for me to be a ‘self funded’ artist now because I can create bigger projects and shows.
7) What skills have you developed since being an entrepreneur?
I developed and continue developing a lot of skills. I learn something new every day. I have become very determined and patient. I also love learning and exploring.
To see more of Elisabeth’s stunning work and keep up to date with her artistic pursuits, check out her socials:
About the Author:
Ellie McRae is the blogger, interviewer and content creator for Kebloom! When she’s not writing kick-ass articles, you’ll find her studying marketing and drinking copious amounts of coffee. Find out more about Ellie here.