Interview with Jake Guerin
Kindheart Jr.
Jake Guerin - Founder at 9 years old
Colorado, USA
Jake is a young man with a heart of gold and sharing the love with many others. His project, Kindheart Jr. features the making of stuffed pillow hearts to present to kids who want or need a little support in their lives. Jake has partnered with another foundation (Project Kakuma) in order to donate the proceeds from this fund to help buy less fortunate kids school supplies. Jake and his mom continue to work tirelessly to build a profile for his foundation, raising money through social media and kick-starters.
In awe of this young philanthropist, Kebloom reached out to ask about the Kindheart Jr. initiative.
1) How would you best describe Kindheart Jr.?
Awesome! I started this foundation with the idea to make stuffed pillow hearts to help kids who are anxious, sad or just need a friend. I decided to partner with Project Kakuma and Innovation Lab Schools to specifically help the students that are going to be starting school without supplies. I wanted to use the money that I get to give to the school and buy them school supplies.
“The best part is that a lot of friends and family support me.”
2) Where is your business based?
I live in Colorado, USA and so my business is based here also.
3) How old were you when you founded your company?
I started Kindheart Jr. in the December of 2019, and I haven’t had a birthday between then and now, so I am 9 and in the 4th grade.
“Follow your heart and don’t let anything stand in your way.”
4) What passions inspired Kindheart Jr.?
I wanted to combine my love for helping others with the joy it brings me to give to those less fortunate than me.
5) Who supports you with your business?
My mom, the teachers that work with Project Kakuma, and people who help me sew the hearts.
6) What advice would you give to social entrepreneurs/inventors?
Don’t listen to people that make you feel bad and tell you that you can’t do it. Follow your heart and don’t let anything stand in your way.
7) To what extent would a platform like Kebloom have helped your achieve your dreams?
Kebloom could have helped me form important connections to help with funding and shipping my hearts around the world. They could have also helped me keep track of all the hearts I sell.
8) What has been the best part about running your business?
The best part is that a lot of friends and family support me. I’ve also enjoyed meeting people from all around the world and I have really liked promoting the foundation in my local area and on social media.
9) What has been the most challenging part?
Trying to get the word out is hard because it starts with the people I know and since I am only 9 years old, I have trouble using social media to promote my cause.
10) What skills do you feel you have developed since becoming a business owner?
The most challenging part has been learning how to talk to people and presenting to others. I have also learned that sometimes it is hard because people can say “no” and you have to keep trying regardless.
…and anything else you’d like to add!
Instagram: @jake_guerin10
Mom’s Twitter: @dlguerin1
Facebook: @KindheartJr
Snapchat: @j_guerin5778
About the Author:
Ellie McRae is the blogger, interviewer and content creator for Kebloom! When she’s not writing kick-ass articles, you’ll find her studying marketing and drinking copious amounts of coffee. Find out more about Ellie here.
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