Interview with Sam Weavers
Sam’s Popcorn
Sam Weavers - Founder at 10 years old
Adelaide, Australia
Sam is a 12-year-old entrepreneur, inspired to make a popcorn variety that tasted, simply, better than the others! His business, Sam’s Popcorn, has grown exponentially since its founding, with his popcorn delivered to schools all over Australia. Sam has even been asked by said schools to give presentations on his business journey, inspiring other likeminded young people. Alongside motivational speaking, Sam has similarly shown a passion for philanthropy, donating thousands to charity out of his business profits.
Amazed by the prowess of this young entrepreneur, Kebloom spoke to Sam about his Australia-based business:
1) How would you best describe Sam’s Popcorn?
My business makes, sells and delivers flavoured popcorn to customers and schools all over Australia. I receive a lot of requests from other children, teachers and businesses to give presentations about how I started and manage my business. I have given presentations to thousands of school students and I was asked to be a guest speaker at an international conference in Singapore. I also use my business to raise money for The Childhood Cancer Association by donating the profits from sales of my fundraiser popcorn pails.
“I wish that there had been someone my age who came to talk to my school about how to start a business when I was considering it.”
2) Where is your business based?
My business is based in Dernancourt, South Australia.
3) How old were you when you founded your company?
I first started researching how to start a business and developing the recipes for my popcorn when I was 9 years old. I finally launched my business when I was 10 years old and I am now 12 years old.
“ don’t have to be an adult to make a difference in your community or to have a positive impact on someone’s life.”
4) What passions inspired Sam’s Popcorn?
I started my business because I didn’t like the taste that shop bought popcorn left in my mouth. I decided to try and make my own popcorn from the best local ingredients I could find that didn’t leave an overly sweet taste in my mouth. After many, many nights and days testing my recipes I came up with what I think is the best tasting popcorn. I also wanted to raise money for charities, and I thought my business would be a great way to do that.
5) Who supports you with your business?
My whole family supports me. It’s nice to know they’re available to talk to if I get stuck on something or if I’m having trouble negotiating with a company. Although I always try to fix a problem myself before I ask for help (because it’s my business), it’s nice to know they are there if I need some help. I also get a lot of support from other local businesses, teachers, networking groups and schools across Australia. I am very lucky.
6) What advice would you give to social entrepreneurs/inventors?
I think that it’s really important to have a great product and making sure it’s the best it can be. However, it also needs to suit your market. For example, when I first started selling my popcorn, I was only selling to family and friends. This is as I didn’t have any money for professional packaging. When I first started selling my popcorn, I used bags from my local supermarket. My family and friends understood and didn’t mind as long as the popcorn tasted great. After a while I had saved up enough money to reinvest back into my business and order some professional bags. But, if I had waited to launch my popcorn with better packaging, I would probably still be waiting.
So, my advice is to just get started. There are a lot of things that can get in your way when you start a business and sometimes you have to make small compromises to reach your goals. You still need a great product but once that is sorted, go for it!
Finally, remember that you don’t have to be an adult to make a difference in your community or to have a positive impact on someone’s life.
7) To what extent would a platform like Kebloom have helped your achieve your dreams?
It would have been very helpful. When I started my business, it was very difficult to know where to begin or where I should allocate the small amount of money I had saved. I didn’t have any experience or knowledge about what you need to run a business. Kebloom’s program would have really helped. That is one of the reasons I started speaking at schools. I wished that there had been someone my age who came to talk to my school about how to start a business when I was considering it. I don’t think it would have seemed so scary and it would have helped a lot.
8) What has been the best part about running your business?
There have been lots of opportunities to meet amazing people who have inspired me to keep working on my business and raising money for charities. I have had a chance to travel and to give presentations to thousands of people both in Australia and overseas. I have also been lucky enough to receive lots of awards and accolades recognising my hard work but, most importantly, I have been able to help a lot of charities by raising thousands of dollars through my business.
9) What has been the most challenging part?
There have been a lot of challenges and I have learned a lot over the last three years. Initially, I struggled to keep an eye on all aspects of my business. As my business grew, I got better at this, but it took a lot of effort to make sure I didn’t just focus on one aspect of the business. Over the last two years I developed ways of monitoring and reminding me of critical dates or tasks.
10) What skills do you feel you have developed since becoming a business owner?
I have learned and developed lots of skills since starting my business but without question, my communication skills have improved the most. My first presentation to a class of students went ok but I am now much more comfortable talking in front of large groups of people. The largest group I have spoken to is 1500 people in a big hall. I actually had fun!
…and anything else you’d like to add!
Instagram: samspopcorn
Twitter: Sams_Popcorn
About the Author:
Ellie McRae is the blogger, interviewer and content creator for Kebloom! When she’s not writing kick-ass articles, you’ll find her studying marketing and drinking copious amounts of coffee. Find out more about Ellie here.
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