Interview with Turner & Addie
Turner and Addie
Turner and Addie - Founders at 13 and 11 years old
Maryland, USA
As kids, Turner and Addie were encouraged by their father to think outside the box and to come up with their very own business. After thinking about what they didn’t remember or enjoy so much, washing their face, they came up with an idea. Natural soaps for teens, cruelty free and using only ingredients that are readable and easily understood by your average adolescent. With a gap in the market, Turner and Addie’s brand is flourishing, now selling a range of products beyond soap and treating skin right, nation-wide.
Washing away nasty ingredients as well as dirt, we asked Turner and Addie to give us more insight into their company:
1) How would you best describe Turner and Addie?
Turner & Addie sells all-natural soap to teens. We are teens ourselves and we think it’s important to wash our bodies with natural products. So, as there weren’t any brands that were specified towards natural skincare for teens, we decided to make one. We have a line of soap bars that we sell on our website, and we plan on adding more exciting products soon.
“ All in all, successful or not, we have come away with a lot of useful skills!”
2) Where is your business based?
We live in North Potomac, Maryland and make our products in our basement in the ‘Soap Lab’. Sometimes we go to local markets and sell our soap there, too.
3) How old were you when you founded your company?
We were 13 (Turner) and 11 (Addie) when we started our business. We have been in this business for nearly a year.
“Our soap is made with all-natural ingredients that you can actually read and understand!”
4) What passions inspired Turner and Addie?
Our mission is to rid all teen showers of the nasty chemical-filled store brand soap that most use. Teens don’t really understand what is wrong with the soap they use, so we are here to educate them and give them an alternative. Our soap is made with all-natural ingredients that you can actually read and understand!
5) Who supports you with your business?
Our parents fully support us in everything we do, and our dad actually encouraged us to start a business. Some of our friends also support us by buying our products!
6) What advice would you give to social entrepreneurs/inventors?
The advice we would give to aspiring social entrepreneurs is to find what you are passionate about and work hard to make something of it. You may not immediately see the results you want, but if you work hard and never lose motivation you will hit your goal.
7) To what extent would a platform like Kebloom have helped your achieve your dreams?
Kebloom is super cool because it gives kids the opportunity to make their business dreams, a reality.
8) What has been the best part about running your business?
The best part of running our business is turning an idea we came up with in the car into a business, selling something that we are really proud of. Reading all of the comments saying they that love what we do and what we make is also super gratifying, as is love visiting places (like New York and Florida) to sell our product in person. It is so much fun selling the product this way and meeting new people.
9) What has been the most challenging part?
I think the most challenging part of running our business is finding time between juggling homework and sports practice. Our priority is to make content and product, and that was way easier when we weren’t so busy with other things.
10) What skills do you feel you have developed since becoming a business owner?
We definitely had no idea how to make soap before we started the business. We learned to do that and how to run an online business, including social media marketing, website building, email marketing and managing the money we earn. We think it's cool to learn these things at a young age. All in all, successful or not, we have come away with a lot that is useful!
…and anything else you’d like to add!
Instagram: @turnerandaddie
Facebook: @turnerandaddie
TikTok: @turnerandaddie
About the Author:
Ellie McRae is the blogger, interviewer and content creator for Kebloom! When she’s not writing kick-ass articles, you’ll find her studying marketing and drinking copious amounts of coffee. Find out more about Ellie here.
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